.RESPECT by Maryam 2018/02/03 13:55
Is For Those who
DESERVE it and not
For those who
Maryam 2018/02/03 13:59
Yeah that's ryt Krack it comes automatically as long as you deserve it.
ABHIRAJ 2018/02/03 14:13
on demand you don't get respect, what you get is pressurize act by whom you get respect due to some shorts of unlawful reasons....respect is earn you can not demand for it. ...nice topic keep posting dear
Thapasya 2018/02/03 14:24
saahir 2018/02/03 15:08
It's very true. Person who deserves get it automatically. In my learning age, I was taught "Give respect and take respect" but this was never swollowed by me. B'coz respect is not a trading that you can exchange. Of curse it is given to one who deserves it.
Maryam 2018/02/03 16:19
Thank you all🌼 for ur contributions
KenBeat 2018/02/15 08:11
Quote: krack: -smoke- if i DESERVE ,,,then dont hv to DEMAND for it Bcoz Then ill get it Automatically.


Sushivas 2019/08/22 10:42
Yaa it's true dear, I am really sorry dear for that, I don't deserve respect from you so ba-bye forever.... and be happy always
-imissu- /smiley

Maryam 2019/08/22 14:00
Quote: Sushivas: Yaa it's true dear, I am really sorry dear for that, I don't deserve respect from you so ba-bye forever.... and be happy always
-imissu- /smiley
U don't understand anything here so 🤐

Sushivas 2019/08/22 14:02
It's okay but you understand more than me so be happy /smiley my *friends*
Imran-Ali-Khan 2021/03/11 11:30
Yes i agree with u 👍
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