An Observation by
tRuEbLuE 2018/01/12 01:16
I have been reading topics in forums and i found out there are topic titles with wrong spelling. I am not a perfectionist but its the image of the site that i am thinking about. Replies doesnt matter if it is misspelled but for the topics it should be spelled right. Guests can read our forums. If our topics are spelled the correct way then the guests might be interested and register. Just an observation. You can give your comments either positive or negative.
Thapasya 2018/01/12 01:39
I always make mistakes,coz I post auto corrected texts without reading ..,u r right blue..I will try to correct it from my side in future..
saahir 2018/01/12 03:39
RINCESS SUNl">PRINCESS SUNl: Dear trueblue i try to correct many has i can.but its difficult if topics to lengthy
Please check your comment and correct the sentence.
ABHIRAJ 2018/01/12 05:10
Nice observation l even have notice about spelling mistakes and even wrong English in their topics plus there comments really its looks odd, hope now onwards topics creater and comment giver will try to keep in their minds
tRuEbLuE: I have been reading topics in forums and i found out there are topic titles with wrong spelling. I am not a perfectionist but its the image of the site that i am thinking about. Replies doesnt matter if it is misspelled but for the topics it should be spelled right. Guests can read our forums. If our topics are spelled the correct way then the guests might be interested and register. Just an observation. You can give your comments either positive or negative.
jaQui 2018/01/12 11:28
I guess not every one is fluent in English, as long as you can understand what the topic creater means its Okay... if you get such topics inform Admin so we can edit
Sarcastic 2018/01/12 14:43
Yas your write trueblue.. V mast kno haw to spall..
saahir 2018/01/12 15:01
Sarcastic: Yas your write trueblue.. V mast kno haw to spall..
Uff..!!! your broken English is like your teeth
Sarcastic 2018/01/12 15:12
Uff..!!! your broken English like your teeth
Thaenks May God blast yew..
tRuEbLuE 2018/01/12 20:03
jaQui: I guess not every one is flueint in English, as long as you can understand what the topic creator means its Okay... if you get such topics inform Admin so we can edit
I only suggested the topics to be edited not the replies Miss Jacqui
tRuEbLuE 2018/01/12 20:06
jaQui: I guess not every one is flueint in English, as long as you can understand what the topic creator means its Okay... if you get such topics inform Admin so we can edit
Yes of course not everyone is fluent. But topic titles are simple and short but still misspelled.
tRuEbLuE 2018/01/12 20:10
If for example i am a guest browsing forums i wont be interested to register if i see topics that are not spelled right. Because even if u r not a member u can read the forums outside of the site.
tRuEbLuE 2018/01/12 20:13
Sarcastic: Yas your write trueblue.. V mast kno haw to spall..
Im talking only about topic titles not everything written in the topic replies
tRuEbLuE 2018/01/12 20:19
Like at this moment i saw 3 topics which is on top of forum categories that is spelled wrong. Its not pleasing to the eye when you open forums and see right away topics with wrong spelling. Anyway its just an observation. I am saying this positively and not judging, criticizing or looking out for mistakes.
Sarcastic 2018/01/13 14:34
Im talking only about topic titles not everything written in the topic replies
Yes that's the reason we have appointed staff and admins..
jaQui 2018/01/13 21:32
Im talking only about topic titles not everything written in the topic replies
no hard feelings sweety, just show me and i will edit the titles thats misspelled .rose..
tRuEbLuE 2018/01/13 22:25
Sarcastic: Yes that's the reason we have appointed staff and admins..
tRuEbLuE 2018/01/13 22:28
jaQui: no hard feelings sweety, just show me and i will edit the titles thats misspelled .rose..
Goalkeeper instead of goolkeeper
Mobile instead of mobille
The other topic was moved so i need to find it again
tRuEbLuE 2018/01/13 23:10
jaQui: no hard feelings sweety, just show me and i will edit the titles thats misspelled .rose..
I dont have any hard feelings to anybody. Just pointing out my observation and thats that.
jaQui 2018/01/14 17:53
Staff are not allowed to edit Topic titles without permission
Or Request of topic creator.
Its the Topic owners right.
HandsomeDon 2018/01/14 18:00
Topic creator have all Rights related to topics which and what to edit except topics against site's rule and regulations... Staff need consent of topic creator before do some edit in topics otherwise topic creator blame for staff edit...hope our friends understand our point
This topic is closed.
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