Maryam 2017/12/18 10:34
Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax. If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.
saahir 2017/12/18 12:21
Yes, i am vibrating
Maryam 2017/12/18 14:45
Have you fever? Or what's making you vibrate ... have some 🦠saahir
saahir 2017/12/18 17:17
Planted a vibrating machine inside -shock-
Sarcastic 2017/12/19 11:37
Im tired of relaxing..
ABHIRAJ 2017/12/19 13:19
Dont think so that if l relax will get what l want. .sure l won't demand but will work hard to get all what I want.
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