Puzzle***6 by
jaQui 2017/08/17 19:34
First 3 correct ans 10,000+
jaQui 2017/08/18 18:45
i upload another. is it clear now?
still.loving 2017/08/18 18:58
7 is the answer it wil be fill 1st
jaQui 2017/08/18 19:20
what abt 2, it does,nt have an outlet
still.loving 2017/08/18 19:24
Yes it doesn't but how it will full because its inlet is very high..so as per gravity. Water falls down . The water will flow from 1. Outlet to 3 nd as 3's down outlet it will come down to 7
still.loving 2017/08/18 19:26
Y3s ii hv clearfy wats gonna be te answer
jaQui 2017/08/19 14:33
still.loving: Yes it doesn't but how it will full because its inlet is very high..so as per gravity. Water falls down . The water will flow from 1. Outlet to 3 nd as 3's down outlet it will come down to 7
Dont solve it here just the ans plse
jaQui 2017/08/19 14:45
Correct Answer is 7
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