*Intimidating Others* by jaQui 2017/07/31 11:26
This world is a
judgemental one. People
often know very little
about us, sometimes they
do not even know our
names, yet they judge us
all the same.
Do not let the words or
actions of these people
bother us, We are who we
are, not who others
perceive us to be.
Generally, intimidating
people come across as
rude. Those around them
fail to see the kind person
that they truly are behind
the tough exterior. This
can cause issues for them
from time to time,
however I have found that
the most intimidating
people can also be the
most caring once you
know them.
_Ankit_ 2017/07/31 14:20
_dreamprince_ 2017/08/01 03:14
Well said
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