_dangerb0y_: It was Canada the previous year,Knysna in South Africa followed,London tower n Portugal today plus many other places across the globe...many lives are lost,,,,,,,,am worried sick.
The world is fighting terrorism,uncontrollable deseases,useless wars,natural disasters...n now fire is everywhere...
There's no sense in worrying yourself all the way into an early grave over things you have no control of. Being aware isn't a bad thing, mind you, the alternative is ignorance after all but since there's quite literally nothing you can do to affect or change what you're worried about then it would seem to me that worrying would be little more than an exercise in frustration and futility.
This is perhaps easier said than done but don't worry so much, find a cause you're passionate about, one not beyond your ability to affect and pour all that worry and energy into it. It works well enough for me.