* thinking * by str.jvd 2017/05/26 19:30
Thinks that thinking about thoughts of thinking are too thinkable for thoughts to be thought about thinking, I think.. what u thinking friends ? 😎😎
Sarcastic 2017/05/26 19:34
Dont trouble trouble unless trouble troubles u.. If u trouble trouble then trouble will trouble u..
str.jvd 2017/05/26 19:36
I saw a saw to saw a tree at such a saw i never saw 😊
latrine 2017/05/26 20:36
I think u thought u were thinking thoughts that was thoughfull..but you thought thoughts that wasnt worth thinking....so i think u shoulndt think thoughtfull thoughts with out thinking thoughts thats not thourtless
latrine 2017/05/26 20:37
Quote: Sarcastic: Dont trouble trouble unless trouble troubles u.. If u trouble trouble then trouble will trouble u..

If trouble troubles you then you troubled trouble and your troubles wil be troubled by your troubles

Sarcastic 2017/05/27 06:46
Quote: latrine:
If trouble troubles you then you troubled trouble and your troubles wil be troubled by your troubles
Troubling the trouble makes the trouble to trouble u more and trouble gets troubled to think what kinda trouble it should create to make a trouble troubling life.

latrine 2017/05/27 16:44
Quote: Sarcastic: Troubling the trouble makes the trouble to trouble u more and trouble gets troubled to think what kinda trouble it should create to make a trouble troubling life.

If life was troubled by trouble thinking of more troubling troubles then maybe troubles troubles will be life long

jaQui 2017/05/28 14:50

Too much thinking

str.jvd 2017/06/28 19:51
Quote: jaQui:
Too much thinking
me too thinking the same

Doncle 2017/07/01 09:58
hmmm.... Think less
Nutties 2017/07/08 18:03
Nice thinking
jaQui 2017/07/09 13:16

im still thinking

jaQui 2017/07/09 15:09
Quote: str.jvd: me too thinking the same

Me too sweety

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