fake ppl versus real ppl. by
trakkerterrorist 2017/05/20 16:33
have you ever found yourself situation to called fake or be not real person? i have face that sometimes at fb.
Jay 2017/05/20 17:23
Many times
str.jvd 2017/05/20 17:59
Here also i found 2 ppls
Sarcastic 2017/05/20 18:53
I found myself thats more than enough for me..
haris 2017/05/20 18:58
I was fake and then i got my aadhar card.
saahir 2017/05/20 19:18
I am fake but I got my uddhar card... .lol.
kazz17 2017/05/21 05:31
yeah more ppl..
ABHIRAJ 2017/05/28 12:39
Who bothers,
aprillia 2017/06/03 10:55
Yeah... Sometimes I feels I am not who I am
This mind was saying am I crazy right now?
Ugghhhh!!!! It's really horrible feelings!!
SAGITTARIUS 2017/07/14 19:59
Who cares.. It doesnt bother me.
krack 2018/07/03 03:00
I accept it with love
maxalendia 2018/12/18 07:46
hey am new here i want friends
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