*Think Twice* by
jaQui 2017/04/26 09:23
Do y0u kn0w them?
That girl you called
a slut in class today.
She's a
virgin. The boy you
called lame. He has
to work every night
support his family.
That girl you
down the other day.
already being
abused at home.
That girl
you called fat. She's
starving herself.
The old man you
fun of cause of the
scars. He fought for
our country. The
boy you made fun
of for
crying. His mother is
dying. You think
you know them.
Guess what?
You don't!
Shut_Tear 2017/04/26 10:33
No one knows one's life
Thapasya 2017/04/26 10:48
Yes I/we know, but we shut our eyes and act as we don't know nothing....this is the fact...sweaty
_Ankit_ 2017/04/26 16:57
Great heart touching
Speks 2017/04/26 17:29
Very true what you said Jacki
bad-apple 2017/04/27 02:10
That is exactly why we must never judge people.
Robinhood 2017/04/27 03:27
Yeah, we all have to think before we say something.
NinthElement 2017/04/30 17:02
It's too easy to assume things about people. Unless you can actually live their life, you'll never know all the challenges they face.
haris 2017/05/03 20:56
Ok i gave a deep thought on this. And tomorrow again i will comeback and give it another thought. Hence, thinked(thought) twice.
Dangerboy 2017/06/27 12:22
nice and a thought for the day
jaQui 2018/01/29 08:56
Ragnorak: It's too easy to assume things about people. Unless you can actually live their life, you'll never know all the challenges they face.
Yeah, sure we do that
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