*what irritate u the most here at 2wap* by Kayli 2017/04/16 16:00
What irritates u the most here at 2wap ? -headbang-

Sarcastic 2017/10/31 18:48
EpIcInCoGnItO 2017/11/04 10:46
I agree.
Quote: Sarcastic: Mosquitoes

saahir 2017/11/13 15:05
Quote: Sarcastic: Mosquitoes

but here sm ppl suck without bite with back bite.

tRuEbLuE 2017/12/06 16:33
Quote: nazeer: its closed ids , if one dun want to talk and knw ppl why he or she join a chating site ?

Papsi i think u have to ask for buddy request so u can see the closed id.
Or maybe u always see user not found because they were not here for a year so their account was deactivated.

jaQui 2017/12/08 20:05
Quote: jaQui:
Absolutely Nothing!.
except for ppl always moaning and groaning abt almost everything on this UNIQUE SITE that Ragnorak has put so many effort in to make it Perfect for all.

Please Thank Ragnorak for making this site so Special for all to enjoy and have fun.!!!
Stop complaining and ENJOY.!!!

jaQui 2017/12/08 20:12
What irritates me most is ppl always moaning, groaning and complaining at almost every thing, but still stay here.!!!
Could you please just for once be thankfull
To Ragnorak for creating this Special and Unique Site/smiley

jaQui 2017/12/08 20:22

For more complaints kindly
Contact Ragnorak via Email.
Thank you and Enjoy.!!!

Replies: 47

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