**The cruelest way 2 die** by Kayli 2017/02/11 20:24
What do u think is th MOST cruelest an Hardest way 2 die ?
Samuel099 2017/02/12 06:23
The state of being tortured to death
saahir 2017/02/12 07:37
Hanged by neck to death.
Kayli 2017/02/12 09:32
Iv done reseach. Thr ar 2ways. 1. To drowned. 2. Gasification. both ways the ppl want 2 stop it, but they cant. Thr bodies get numb and thr brains are still working. Its the hardest and cruelest way 2 die.
Rebellion 2017/02/19 20:08
3 magical words: Allah hu akbar
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