@Happy Valentines Day@ by Kayli 2017/02/05 21:30
On th 14 Feb it is VALENTINES DAY. Wish ur gf/bf here with lovely wishes and Roses. And tell her/him how mjuch u care.
KingFISHER 2017/02/06 01:25
11feb or 14 feb dear??
Kalpana 2017/02/06 05:06
saahir 2017/02/06 11:43
Quote: KingFISHER: 11feb or 14 feb dear??

Whole month brother.

saahir 2017/02/06 11:45
VaLeNtInE .rose.

saahir 2017/02/06 11:46
Quote: Kalpana: .think...

Let's enjoy and /smiley

Ajibola 2017/02/07 18:34
Hapi val in advance to all 2wappers
ZeTTi 2017/02/08 22:25
Happy Valantines day my beautiful friend and the one person that rock my boat whenever I think of her let alone speak to her. I do hope you remeber our dinner appointment Jacki xxx.rose.
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