@Stop banning members@ by Kayli2017/01/31 20:04 Admin plz think twice be4 u ban members. Thats not a solution.
David.adams2017/01/31 20:10 Ur right,i waz banned 4 a week coz of posting in forums
ZeTTi2017/01/31 20:10 Maybe not a solution but what must one do if someone kept on swearing like Libra does
David.adams2017/01/31 20:13 And members stop disrespecting admins,they are also humans not robots,they also get angry
ZeTTi2017/01/31 20:15 Someone have to tell libra that. She think shes untouchable and can say what she want. Too ashamed to go by her own name that auntie is
ZeTTi2017/01/31 20:22 Libra who said you are 65? Is that your real age? And now you try to get some hunks on 2wap. Just like a bitch on heat lmfao
Kayli2017/01/31 20:43 U must give respect thn u will get respect back.
jaQui2017/01/31 21:00 Keep to the site rules and don't cross the limit then all is well. No abusing or insulting will be tolerated on 2wap! The site and shoutbox is for fun not to disturb the peace here! Read FAQ RULES FOR FORUMS