♥The Joy Of Abusing•♥ by GhAyAl 2016/10/26 07:26
They do not know it, but I know,
What pleasure is it
In abusing Thee, my God,
When Thou givest pains to me,
I abuse, abuse Thee, my God,
When faith cheats me,
Betrays and leaves me aghast,
When blasphemy entertains me
With agnosticism and atheism,
Skepticism takes the canvas.

It's also a fault of Thine that
Comest Thou not
When sorrows ruffle it my soul,
Despair overcomes me,
Despondence and dejection hang
Heavy over us,
At that time I doubt Thee,
Suspect Thy mission and vision,
The purpose behind,
The dark vision at work.

by Bijay Kant Dubey
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.