Eleto2016/10/21 10:02 Honestly think Hillary will win, she has more experience and the media is madly in love wit her. I think she will win with a landslide result. Trump is just evil
SONIC2016/10/21 15:46 Whatever I would like to vote for Hillary even though I am an Indian..you know why..Madonna.lol.
latrine2016/10/24 21:15 Well i can see her hiring an intern on her first day ...pulling a monica on bill...!
jaQui2016/10/25 00:53 The clash between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is turning increasingly bitter
She's far ahead and don't
even think abt Trump...
Xiao Zen2016/10/28 20:30 They say there is nothing as dangerous as a fool with a little power ... except perhaps a fool with a lot of power.
I throw my lot in with the lesser of the two fools, Hilary. "Lesser" mind you, but not by much.
jaQui2016/11/05 17:53 @ Outlaw... Did u see the news Hillary had a big Concert for her voters
KingFISHER2016/11/08 02:18 As peoples survey Hillary is lil bit ahead still.