Good thing about 2wap that makes you stay. by Mix 2016/09/17 09:51
Well then, let me hear your views. What is it about this site that got you hooked and deserved your loyalty..
Sarcastic 2016/09/17 10:23
Newbies like u who knows much more about this wapsite than admins of this site..
GhAyAl 2016/09/17 12:53
International Room
Eleto 2016/09/17 13:17
I have some friends here and i always coe back to talk to them. and.. Eeprom, yes I always look out for funny topics created by Eeprom, i think he is fun and entertaining. /smiley
Mix 2016/09/17 18:24
Quote: Sarcastic: Newbies like u who knows much more about this wapsite than admins of this site..

What makes you say so?
Or maybe you are just being your sarcastic self.. /smiley

KingFISHER 2016/09/18 09:36
2wap is a real community of some real peoples that's why I'm here!
ashwinjk 2016/09/18 12:18
Good site as long as u are with good people here..I Enjoy myself out here. Jst a second home for me..
Ajibola 2016/09/19 17:19
Quote: KingFISHER: 2wap is a real community of some real peoples that's why I'm here!

Real people endowed with high esteem IQ and as well trouble makers that would make u laugh out loud

Mix 2016/09/19 20:39
Quote: KingFISHER: 2wap is a real community of some real peoples that's why I'm here!

In the process of finding that out myself. /smiley

ArjunPratap 2016/09/20 14:03
forums and friends
Muslimah_ 2016/09/29 17:41
This is a good site. I have just returned from the past. Been here more than 7 years back
HandsomeDon 2016/09/30 01:15
Quote: Muslimah_: This is a good site. I have just returned from the past. Been here more than 7 years back

Welcome back , enjoy here

Muslimah_ 2016/10/01 17:54
Its good to be back. Thank you!
@RADHIKA @ 2016/10/01 18:30
SONIC 2016/10/05 06:46
Nothing..seriously nothing
Lelsi 2019/05/21 23:39
I was regular here years back but in the mean time got busy with real life.. I've met many interesting people here, but as said life takes us all somewhere else.
jaQui 2019/05/22 12:55
Awesome friends
And playing Chess

Tweetums 2019/06/06 10:14
Interesting forums and everything. Still better than any other modern social sites and apps.
Joses 2022/08/18 15:19
My buddies and the forum.
#2 General Area
A forum for life in general. Post about news, social matters, relationships, lifestyle, or anything on your mind.