Happy Independence Day to my India by
HandsomeDon 2016/08/14 05:32
India celebrates its 70th Independence Day on 15 August 2016. The country became independent from British colonialism on this day in 1947. The day is celebrated with great fervour across every state of the country, with the capital city Delhi becoming the hub of all celebrations. India's Independence Day celebrations officially take place at the Red Fort.
It was at the stroke of midnight of August 15, in 1947, that India finally won its freedom from the British Rule. The event was marked by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, broadcasting his famous speech ‘Tryst with Destiny’ over All India Radio.
That magical night was enough to draw tears for years, from all those who were born and lived during that period. Even today, patriotic songs that are broadcast through the day still manage to bring out tears for some and invoke a deep sense of patriotism and pride in all Indians.
Besides the Prime Minister unfurling the national flag at Red Fort, Governors in respective states follow the same and is marked by speeches in recognition of the sacrifices of our leaders and people who fought for the country’s independence.
Since many schools have a plethora of activities organised in the week leading to the D-day, schoolchildren make the extent of celebration by singing patriotic songs and the National Anthem, performing stage acts on ‘Azaadi’-inspired stories, collating Prime Ministers’ Independence Day speeches and so on. Flag hoisting ceremonies are also carried out in schools and are followed by patriotic songs and sweets distribution. Similar events are organized in residential colonies and societies across the country.
For any country, its journey into the future is influenced by the journey of its past, and therefore, it’s important for the present generation to know and recognize the sacrifices that our forefathers made for the freedom that we take for granted – well, mostly – today.
It’s also a day for the present generation to discuss and debate the learnings of history to ensure that we, as a nation, do not repeat any past mistakes.
The relevance of 15 August in our lives today becomes even more significant given the challenges the nation faces from across the border and disruptive forces within.
The social, political and religious stability in the country is increasingly under attack and threatens to undo the gains of our hard fought freedom for values of a secular, inclusive and democratic India.
Bharat Parv and Tiranga Yatra are only events and by themselves will mean little unless the youth understand the struggle that led to our independence.
It is now for the youth of the day to imbibe the spirit of that magical night in 1947 and continue to build upon the path of values our freedom fighters so valiantly fought for. It’s a day to unite all Indians!
Happy Independence day to you all
_SonIcGirL_ 2016/08/14 05:43
Happy independence day to you....
Ajibola 2016/08/14 05:50
India will continue to be great!
Robinhood 2016/08/14 06:31
Happy Independence Day of India 2016 - 15 August
SONIC 2016/08/14 06:45
happy independence day!!!!
ArjunPratap 2016/08/14 15:14
Happy Independence Day to all Indians
saahir 2016/08/14 15:20
Happy Day to all my Indian brothers and sisters
Kalpana 2016/08/15 02:58
Happy independence day!!!!!
ashwinjk 2016/08/15 13:18
Great people,great India...wish u all on this spl day of our independance day..
Jai Hind
David.adams 2016/08/15 14:35
Happy Day,may God bless u all indians...
David.adams 2016/08/15 14:46
It had been along time, @@HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY 2 ALL INDIANS@@...., am happy coz that day iz gud,having refreshes and it's so interesting 2 all.....MAY GOD BLESS YOU
David.adams 2016/08/15 14:48
It had been along time, @@HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY 2 ALL INDIANS@@...., am happy coz that day iz gud,having refreshes and it's so interesting 2 all..... MAY GOD BLESS YOU
David.adams 2016/08/15 14:48
It had been along time, @@HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY 2 ALL INDIANS@@...., am happy coz that day iz gud,having refreshes and it's so interesting 2 all..... MAY GOD BLESS YOU
mk_alyana 2016/08/15 21:42
Happy Independence day to all Indians,, continue to rise
GhAyAl 2016/08/20 19:34
Happy Independence day yuuuhuuu
Sarcastic 2016/08/20 19:54
GhAyAl: Happy Independence day yuuuhuuu
happy 21st August to u
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