Half man and half Human by
Samuel099 2016/08/07 10:47
I heard it in the news that, America government has lifted a ban on Scientist that uses human genes for animal, making them some parts look alike of human also as far as this ban is lifted people with such creatures can bring them to class as pets.
Get full info here.
Samuel099 2016/08/07 10:52
oops! The smiley made the link broken.
click here for the news
Samuel099 2016/08/07 11:17
ancake">Pancake: I sooo disagree and hope the article is fake...
The world's gone bonkers
Immagine if a superior alien specie would do this to us...
That's what I'm thinking about now, What if a man gene is injected into a snake what will happen if the snake got all part man and head snake or leg man, I think this is funny and should be ban. I was thinking about if a man gene is injected into a dragon all parts human and the head dragon, won't we die?
Xiao Zen 2016/08/08 12:39
Blurring the lines between man and animal has many far-reaching implications. The one that concerns me most is the idea of human rights.
In all likelihood any potential chimera will be largely made up of animal DNA with only trace amounts of human DNA. Visually there may not be very much difference between the chimera and the base animal. However it is a step closer to being a human being never-the-less so legally speaking what would the rights of said chimera be? Greater then the base animal? Does this status change the higher the percentage of human DNA is used?
There are entirely far too many things we have not worked out or considered and I think it unreasonably reckless to even consider taking this step without further investigation, debate and projections.
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