Have you ever ?? by Twix 2016/07/12 19:42
Guys, i wanna ask you. Espescially for people thats been long time in chatsite like this, have you ever lost someone you love in chatsite. It could be a friend or a lover that somehow should go on with their life and have to leave you ?? A person thats so close and attached to your heart, that you get amazingly broken hearted when they left ??? Or maybe people is right that you should not mix this chatting life with your true feelings ??? Tell me your opinion please..
Xiao Zen 2016/07/13 09:11
How personal one gets on the net is largely a matter of preference although a little caution never goes amiss.

Just as some people enter or leave your life offline so it is on the net, it is an inescapable constant in life on both formats.

Chin up.

Ajibola 2016/07/13 09:54
Well, I've missed so many friends here that we started almost same time on 2wap, many never surface here and few only pop up and buzz out! But its so sad we all lost a darling memeber Vipul whom happens to be my close friend too....

However, I haven't really had an opposite gender love affair whom I could be missing... Still some chill babe so close am missing for their inactivity

TheMouse 2016/07/13 14:08
A few years ago, I talked a lot to somebody in California, 12 flight hours away, and we seemed to be great friends, kind of. But, suddenly that person disappeared from view and didn't talk anymore without saying anything about why.
Then I saw on Instagram that a young relative had died and I said: 'My thoughts are with you.' - It was deleted on the same day, and I honestly have no idea what I did to become that kind of blacklisted person. Retrospectively, it seems a bit crazy to me, tbh. Never mind, such shxt happens. I made another friend on the Internet and nowadays we visit each other in our two countries. That's how differently things can go.

tRuEbLuE 2017/12/06 11:10
For me its the same feeling. Chat or real life, i will feel sad and broken hearted for a friend that left me in whichever way he or she went.

I had been left by a close friend in real life and in chat. Both broke my heart and made me cry. May they rest in peace.

amitverma 2017/12/06 11:28
yes.bt its ok nothing i lost nothing i gain
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