Lets wish our muslim frndz by Sheela_M 2016/07/06 17:46
Tomorrow on 7th july is a big day for our muslim bros and sisters, as they will celebrate their feastival EID.. So let us wish them here...
amitverma 2016/07/07 05:09
Sab ko eid mubarak..
HandsomeDon 2016/07/07 14:30
Eid Mubarak to all of our Muslim friend and brothers
NinthElement 2016/07/07 19:29
Quote: Eeprom: And More Importantly this Topic should be in religious Forums not Here in General.

Ragnorak Gave Religion forum for just Such posts , lazy staffs let's just see if you can even be bothered to move it to the correct forum?????
Topics for any festivals are suitable for the General forum in my judgement, whether they be religious or non-religious as they are social occasions which all people can choose to enjoy if they wish, just like many non-Christians celebrate Christmas.

NinthElement 2016/07/07 19:30
A blessed and peaceful Eid to all
Xiao Zen 2016/07/08 05:15
To the Muslims, Eid Mubarak ... To the non-Muslims, I wish you a pleasant weekend for no particular or religiously associated reason. (peace)
KingFISHER 2016/07/08 16:34
Belated Eid Mubarak to All Islam believers!
ABHIRAJ 2016/07/09 02:06
Belated wishes to all muslim bros and sisters frndz,and princess.suni my lov.
azibar 2016/07/09 23:38
Quote: amitverma: Sab ko eid mubarak..
eid mubarak to u.

bad-apple 2016/07/11 04:18
Thnx for wishing..Khair Mubarak
shahidcool 2016/07/21 16:21
Same to you
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