The Best Chess Player by David.adams 2016/06/20 13:33
Who Is the Best Chess Player?
HandsomeDon 2016/06/20 17:12
I am the best player because I don't know more about chess then after I am ready to accept challenge .run.

zugzwang 2016/06/21 10:16
Magnus Carlsen of Norway is a best chess player in the world now and Former world champion V.ANAND is best in INDIA.
Rango 2016/07/07 18:37
Iam the best.I've never lost any match.
I've never played any /smiley

_SaMuRaI_ 2017/09/24 09:24
Garry Kasparov is the best ever chess player
Sarcastic 2017/10/04 17:04
Johnny sin
zugzwang 2019/04/19 10:11
zugzwang 2019/04/19 10:11
Quote: _SaMuRaI_: Garry Kasparov is the best ever chess player

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