Wyy Don Lazy Staff Make Topics by jayjaybooo 2016/06/07 17:41
lazy fkrz they never make any topics other than Ultimate crap copy paste internet content.
CHIPPY 2016/06/07 21:21
They got alot of things 2 do than makng topics.
jaQui 2016/06/08 01:45
Just copy and watching who
Say a wrong word abt "some"

jaQui 2016/06/09 18:49
Quote: Mr_Pancake: "noice" topic my underpants are flying upside down on top of 2wapworlds best flagpole

Omg.. Keep ur pants on .hehe.

ArjunPratap 2016/08/25 18:21
Quote: jayjaybooo: lazy fkrz they never make any topics other than Ultimate crap copy paste internet content.

why can't you make good topics! before blaming others check your topic

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