[App] ForceDoze - Marshmallow's Feature by allexclusive 2016/05/23 04:57

Force enable Doze right after screen off
Disable motion sensors so Doze doesn't periodically poll the sensors to check if the device is stationary or not. This provides an additional boost to battery life
Whitelist apps so they don't get suspended or disabled when Doze mode is active
Doze battery stats: Shows you all the times your device has entered/exited Doze mode, and how much battery was available during those times. It will only work when ForceDoze service is turned on
Tasker support so you can now send com.suyashsrijan.forcedoze.DISABLE_FORCEDOZE broadcast intent to disable the ForceDoze service, or com.suyashsrijan.forcedoze.ENABLE_FORCEDOZE to enable the ForceDoze service
Tasker support for adding/removing apps from the Doze whitelist, so you can send com.suyashsrijan.forcedoze.ADD_WHITELIST broadcast intent along with packageName as the key and the package name you want to add as the value, in Extras. To remove the app from the whitelist, send the com.suyashsrijan.forcedoze.REMOVE_WHITELIST broadcast intent along with packageName as the key and the package name you want to remove as the value, in Extras. So for example, in Tasker, you can set Action as one of the intents above, and in Extras, add packageName:com.your.packagename and then save the task
Enable Doze mode on your device if your device OEM has disabled it (experimental)
No-root mode so you can use this app without root privileges (Requires you to execute an ADB command from your PC to grant it the android.permission.DUMP permission, instructions inside app and app description on Play Store)

Force Doze is a free & open-source app, so you can grab the app and the source code from:

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