2wap site page scrolling method by HandsomeDon 2016/05/08 18:40
I need to know How you scoll page while reading content of the page
Suppose/imagine you are not touching phone merely waving hand or making gesture in front of front camera of the phone
Your finger position Up then down or long up to slow down , ..............?
Your answer may contain combination of direction of your fingers/hand right ,left ,up ,down , long up , long down , long right , long left

Best description will get 1000 pulses
Crownstar 2016/05/08 19:01
I place 4 of my fingers behind the smart Phone the i use my both thumbs to type messages and i use my index finger to scroll down while the rest of my fingers rests behind the phone!
HandsomeDon 2016/05/11 13:19
Quote: ancake">Pancake: Internet is a gateway to telepathy and I scroll the pages using my telepathic powers.

(comment posted via highly encrypted mental morse code)

“ One's truest nature is often the hardest to fight."
Vortigern Black, Telepathy

And I have a touchscreen phone, scrolling the pages using one finger, swiping gently up or down when going in a telepathical black out

I am try via front camera gesture scrolling , problem if we shake mobile then mobile start scrolling up or down , right /left
OK for fun I am include combination of up then finger down fast sense up scrolling , same for down that solve unwanted up / down

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