10 warning signs if a womaniser by
Samuel099 2016/05/07 23:27
Many of us are still looking for The One – the guy we will spend the rest of our lives with. Our soul mate who will be there for us all the time, loving us, comforting us, sharing moments with us and protecting us.Finding the one guy that is perfect for you is not easy, and many of us are scared of making the same dating mistakes over again. Many of us have dated the creeps, the losers, the lazies, the crazies, the overly sickly sweets, the FIFA players, the machos, the mommies boys, and the over achievers who we can’t keep up with. But what about the one type of man we all fear the most, The Womanizer?The Womanizer is a man who isn’t ready tosettle down yet, but he’ll do anything to convince you that he is. He’ll tell you you’re the love of your life and that you’ve got great eyes, great legs and great everything.But how do you know when you’ve got a womanizer on your hands and not the genuine article? Let’s take a look at the top10 warning signs of a womanizer.
He gets your name wrong
Yesterday you were Rita, today you’re Lisa and tomorrow you’ll be Priscilla. Sure, he says he’s got fifteen aunties and five different mums but you should know deep down that he’s actually got too many single ladies in his life.
He’s super vain For a lot of women, having a great sense of humour is the first trait we look for in a prospective partner. But if a man is a womaniser, it’s highly likely that his sense of humour cuts dead as soon as you touchhis immaculate hair.
CHIPPY 2016/05/07 23:38
Iv got an open mind, a man wont tell me stories. I will catch him out very quickly. Iv learn from my mistakes in the past.
Samuel099 2016/05/07 23:38
I just want to share the story I read online with yous but, I can't paste all of it so get it fully here, read it yourself then comment here.
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