"The power of prayer" by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/05/06 07:00
"The Power of Prayer"

A woman with a face that reflected suffering and defeat, went into a store. She approached the owner and embarrassed, She asked if she could take some things on credit. Softly explained that her husband was very ill and could not work, they had seven children and they needed food.
The owner, asked her to leave his shop. But the woman thinking of his family continued begging: Please sir! I'll pay as soon as possible. The owner apologized saying he could not give her credit because he don't do that.
Near the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the store owner and the woman.
The customer came and told the store owner that he would take care of what she will need for her family, but the owner ignored him.
He turned to the woman and asked: Do you have a shopping list? Yes sir, she said.
Okay, put your list on the scales and depending how much it weigh your list, I'll give it on groceries.
She hesitated for a moment and head down, reached into her purse a piece of paper and wrote on it. Then fearful, she put the piece of paper on the scale.
In doing so the scales fell suddenly, as if she had put on a rock or a piece of iron. The eyes of the owner and customer were filled with wonder. As he said, the owner began to put groceries on the other side of the scale, but it would not budge, so he continued to put more and more food, but as the scale never equaled, he stopped and grabbed the piece of paper to see if there was a trick.
The owner looked at the paper and read it in amazement. It was not a shopping list, it was a Prayer:
"Dear Lord, you know my needs, I leave this situation in your hands."
The shop owner gave the woman all the groceries he had gathered and stood in silence as the woman left the store.
"Only God knows how heavy a Prayer is"
Lefty 2016/05/07 06:34
CHIPPY 2016/05/16 22:45
WhaT N great topic !
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