Truths of life by Rossi 2016/03/27 19:46
Truth no 1 :
nobody is real in this world except your own conscious..
Truth no. 2 :
a poor person has no friends..
Truth no. 3 :
people do not like good thoughts they like good looks..
Truth no 4 :
people respect the money not the person..
Truth no 5 :
the person you love the most, will hurt you the most !
Truth no 6 :
"Truth is Simple, But, The Moment YOU try to Explain it...
It Becomes Difficult"
Truth no 7 :
"When you are happy you enjoy the music", but
"when you are sad, you understand the lyrics".
Truth no 8 :
IN LIFE Two things define you-
"Your patience" when you have nothing...
"Your attitude" when you have everything...
Rightly said "The internet shows us how small the world is...but a missing plane shows, how big our planet is.."..
saahir 2016/03/27 20:00
All eight truths are excellent.
saahir 2016/03/27 20:01
One more truth, that u r genious.
Ajibola 2016/03/27 21:38
Hmmm I've read about all your post... This is a Simple Reminder! Thanks for refreshing my memory
jaQui 2016/03/27 22:15
Yeah, thanx for nice info
NinthElement 2016/03/28 01:57
I agree with the second half of that list. But I think not everyone is so shallow to care only about money and looks.
Dashman 2016/03/28 10:02
good topic...
truth no. 9
"/yr topic choose as topic of day.'

selina 2016/03/28 10:09
very true words ..thanx for sharing ..
Topazy 2016/03/28 11:59
Nc one
KingFISHER 2016/03/28 17:26
Truth is always truth like your topic!
TemPEST 2016/03/28 19:58
No 7 is indeed the truth
Tweetums 2016/03/29 12:30
Agree with most of ur points.
CHAND 2016/08/17 17:59
You are just fantastic
ArjunPratap 2016/08/21 14:15
very true words thnx for sharing
_vIsHaL_ 2016/08/22 12:41
People respect your position/status not your money...!!
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