I'm back from being banned by zac 2016/03/25 18:24
Am back and I want too know
why I got banned because of
Ajibola insulted me and called me a Loonatic then deleted he's quote for me? WTF! -haba-
jaQui 2016/03/25 19:07
Yes! Its unfair! Eeprom could swear and abused ppl like he wanted but didn't get ban!
Ajibola let his quote be deleted then uploaded screenshots of he's gb... My Gosh!!! What kinda of a Admin ban ppl for that and since when? That's why 2wap is running empty. Look at the stats then ppl still get banned for NOTHING!

jaQui 2016/03/25 19:19
Check this topic!
where is Kriwil? 2wap most disturbed guy!
The other topic of Saahir that Ajibola messed up with he's Crap screenshots of hes GB is trashed.
What a disgrace!
Be fair and treat all members equal!

TemPEST 2016/03/26 00:54
Welcome bck
NinthElement 2016/03/26 16:06
Quote: zac: Am back and I want too know
why I got banned because of
Ajibola insulted me and called me a Loonatic then deleted he's quote for me? WTF! /smiley
For this and the guestbook posts.

This topic is closed.
#74 Trash Zone
A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.