ancake">Pancake: You gave yourself a bad name, you're the most 2 faced hypocrite bitch I met on 2wapworld, a compulsive liar and a very toxic person, Kayli ! You're faking your personality here on public hiding behind the holier than thou coat. You fooled me once but that's it, never again.
And you dare pointing your dirty fingers at others you disgusting runt? Are you still obsessed with Jackie? You're a lunatic, you should be locked in a mental Institute!
And what kinda person spends her time obsessing about how others might be jealous of her? That's sick too!
And you're such a disgusting person, wtf to be jealous of? You're miserable!
When I see how you're posing in someone you're not, it makes me puke!
Now go report me again you stupid cow and then suffocate the forums with your stupid birthday posts about users who left the site a long time ago, some bacterias too, then complain about other people again who might be jealous of your dirty pathetic ass!