#Members tht making thr own names bad# by Kayli 2016/03/21 16:25
I wonder if members realize tht whn they do posting in forums with nasty an rude comments. Tht they just show th whole 2wap who they really are ? Is it jealousy ? Is it who they really are ? Or is it 2 just show off ?
jaQui 2016/03/21 16:56
You and your jealousy again!!
Its all you can think of coz you are the jealous one.
Most of ur post and topix are abt jealousy and gossiping.
Hope u,ll make peace with ur inner self soon .rose.

jaQui 2016/03/21 17:04
Oh, btw, what is making name BLACK? Said the cettle to the pot! /smiley
jaQui 2016/03/21 17:19
Awe swty, now BLACK is gone!
U changed it to BAD! Oops!!

ABHIRAJ 2016/03/21 17:23
Some ppl they gone out of their sense and they started,and realy showing their actual colours,wht they realy are..
jaQui 2016/03/21 17:36
Quote: ABHIRAJ: Some ppl they gone out of their sense and they started,and realy showing their actual colours,wht they realy are..

Yes I agree! And some don't have sense of humour! They always complain abt every thing on 2wap and make negative post and topix!

jaQui 2016/03/21 17:38
Oh, yeah, btw thanx for bad karma, I love it! /smiley
TemPEST 2016/03/21 18:46
Most times its just to show off

J...i hmm

jaQui 2016/03/21 18:53
J...i hmm yeah? The J is for whom or what? /smiley
Ajibola 2016/03/21 19:21
Charity begins @ home... When you meet such people in public or social place, "just ignore" their bossy attitude... I've handle few caliber in past/smiley
jaQui 2016/03/21 21:15
Quote: ancake">Pancake: You gave yourself a bad name, you're the most 2 faced hypocrite bitch I met on 2wapworld, a compulsive liar and a very toxic person, Kayli ! You're faking your personality here on public hiding behind the holier than thou coat. You fooled me once but that's it, never again.
And you dare pointing your dirty fingers at others you disgusting runt? Are you still obsessed with Jackie? You're a lunatic, you should be locked in a mental Institute!
And what kinda person spends her time obsessing about how others might be jealous of her? That's sick too!
And you're such a disgusting person, wtf to be jealous of? You're miserable!
When I see how you're posing in someone you're not, it makes me puke!
Now go report me again you stupid cow and then suffocate the forums with your stupid birthday posts about users who left the site a long time ago, some bacterias too, then complain about other people again who might be jealous of your dirty pathetic ass!

jaQui 2016/03/21 21:19
Quote: ancake">Pancake:

She doesn't know what peace means, it's an enigma to her. She hates you so much you have no idea, my inbox used to be full of her shxt against you. She's the most toxic person I met online, full of hate, lies, anger, she'd start a world War 3 over petty reasons if given the chance
wow im popular, i know since i came here-nana-

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