Excuse Me Please by
saahir 2016/03/20 14:12
I'm here at 2wapworld since 2009, I never tried to hurt anyone even if I receieved abusive and ridiculous, disrespective behaviours and messages. But as I remember, I nver reacted it in same manners. But may be un-knowingly, I have hurt anybody, so please excuse me.
_SUPERBRAT_ 2016/03/20 14:42
what happend bro? you're good bro.
selina 2016/03/20 15:37
yup I know you r really nice person here ...so never think like ..
Sheela_M 2016/03/20 16:26
By the way what made u say that?
Only a fool may be here, who made u say escuse me, as far as I know u are a good decent person..
ABHIRAJ 2016/03/20 16:41
What happen Saahir?
Kayli 2016/03/20 17:19
U ar 1 of th BEST members here. Many users can learn alot from u. U teach me tht i must ignore nasty ppl here. And i thank u 4 that. U will always be my special frnd
saahir 2016/03/20 18:13
ABHIRAJ: What happen Saahir?
Nothing brother, I feel guilty sometimes, if some ppl comment some nasty posts, I feel that, I might be wrong to them.
TemPEST 2016/03/21 06:42
This again nd again
Ajibola 2016/03/21 07:02
saahir: I'm here at 2wapworld since 2009, I never tried to hurt anyone even if I receieved abusive and ridiculous, disrespective behaviours and messages. But as I remember, I nver reacted it in same manners. But may be un-knowingly, I have hurt anybody, so please excuse me.
Here's what I got recently
Ajibola 2016/03/21 07:04
Kayli: U ar 1 of th BEST members here. Many users can learn alot from u. U teach me tht i must ignore nasty ppl here. And i thank u 4 that. U will always be my special frnd
How about me getting this on my guestbook
Ajibola 2016/03/21 07:11
After I got Ass-lickers from zac on my topic about kriwil in 2wap info forum, I straightforward replied him him never in his life quote me nor act lunatic! Cos I never knew what the hell going on his brain to have Quoted my smooth chat with Zee and said am Ass-Licker!
An Admin cleared our responds and still go ahead to write on my guestbook...
jaQui 2016/03/21 08:29
I saw u quoting zac as a loonatic, what are u crying abt now coz he called u back a loonatic? Gosh ajibola ur not perfect... messing up my sweetie,s topic.duh.
jaQui 2016/03/21 08:32
Why dont u upload sceenshots of your quote to zac? U are a coward or what? I remember when u posted my pm to u in forums, u always make an issue abt ur ego. its bad calling ppl a loonatic and get ur quote deleted then upload s,shots of ur gb
jaQui 2016/03/21 09:36
Saahir u r my sweetie since u came here
jaQui 2016/03/21 09:38
Ajibola now take shots of zac,s gb and upload it here..-hahaha-
Kayli 2016/03/21 16:17
saahir: I'm here at 2wapworld since 2009, I never tried to hurt anyone even if I receieved abusive and ridiculous, disrespective behaviours and messages. But as I remember, I nver reacted it in same manners. But may be un-knowingly, I have hurt anybody, so please excuse me.
No need 2 say EXCUSE ME u ar th gentleman of 2wap.
jaQui 2016/03/21 17:07
jacki: Saahir u r my sweetie since u came here

You will always be my sweetest!
jaQui 2016/03/21 20:40
Yeah, and Zac got banned coz of Ajibola,s crying and screenshots.. But he called Zac a loonatic and let his post get deleted.
jaQui 2016/03/21 21:24
outlaw: What's this loonatic thing now? I'm a little out of the loop here.
ajibola called zac a loonatic but zac got banned coz he called aji bäck as loonatic in his gb....
saahir 2016/03/22 03:21
Thanks brother, I appriciate whaht u said. But this was not the reason to make this topic.. I' m happy that I got 3-ve karma with +ve. But also I know that stone are always thrown at fruitful trees only. Any way I'm not going to clearify reason behind making this topic and requesting staff to send this topic to Trash Zone.
outlaw: Dude, stop trying so hard to validate yourself. You have no fecking reason to feel guilty and you know this! You're just fishing for compliments. Criticizing yourself so everyone will remind you of how awesome you are. Which is fine. Just be honest with yourself.
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