WHO ARE YOU.........? by Ajibola 2016/03/10 07:14
Hi 2wappwer-heya-

Say something nice about yourself. Shall we start with....... "I AM __________."

Let form a long chain & Join this self-love quest by posting a really cool
"one-sentence" description about yourself.
Let us know you!

I'll go first quickly- I AM SIMPLY SIMPLE
Tweetums 2016/03/10 08:37
I m simply humble. lol
TemPEST 2016/03/10 08:59
I am that which i am
jaQui 2016/03/10 15:49
Im AWESOME! God make Awesome ppl...
Samuel099 2016/03/10 19:44
fecking use this instead lol
Kayli 2016/03/10 21:59
Im just me /smiley
jackson 2016/03/24 09:03
i am so cool .
zugzwang 2016/03/24 09:16
i m nothing but a creation of God !!
saahir 2016/03/24 20:51
I'm saahir
saahir 2016/03/24 20:53
Quote: saahir: I'm saahir
Saahir is an arabic word, means a magician.

Ajibola 2016/03/26 06:25
Quote: rincess Suni">Princess Suni: i m emotional person

I've known you're... going by most of your topic contribution

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