Points to remember at work by
Samuel099 2016/03/06 08:28
1.People at work are your colleagues,not your friends or family.
2. They don't care about you,they just want to know how badly you are falling and how worse you are doing.
3. They all look out for their own interests.
4. They will talk behind your back, oh trust me, they will talk.
5. They all have a tendency of asking too much and sharing less.
6. We are all there to work, not to run some money lending scheme. So never ask for money from anyone at work. Or else number 4 becomes applicable.
7. They all want to be closer to the bosses and to be above you. Remember point 3?
8. Whenever possible use your own transport or public transport. Asking for a lift will trigger point 4 again.
9. Try to get to work and work and work, and then take lunch. Alone if possible,and then go home.
10. Do not have your colleagues on your instant messaging,i.e. Mxit,whatsapp,BBM,Facebook,etc. These applications are for your friends and family,and colleagues do not meet the definition.
11. Jokes- if you are into jokes it's okay. Go watch stand up comedy,read up on the internet and so forths. Forwarding long jokes via whatsapp to your colleagues is annoying,especially if we've heard about them already. If you feel like sharing jokes,pictures,videos etc, do so with your friends and family.
Makes perfect sense.
source. my friend post on facebook. credit to him -nana-
selina 2016/03/06 17:28
colleagues r also frndz and like family members I do not agree with you ..
TemPEST 2016/03/07 19:54
I ve those i tag along with
&its nice having them around
Kayli 2016/03/07 20:00
My colleques ar my frnds also.
Lelsi 2016/03/07 22:34
I agree with your post to some extent. I think keeping a distance is a good think,the less people at work know about your private life the better for you. Anyways , I hang around with some colleagues also out from work , and with some I'm strictly professional.And of course you always have to be careful because even if your colleagues are your friends at work you are only colleagues and sadly many are looking only at their own interest.
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