Well those of us(me in particular)who dont create a topic are unfortunate
going to mis this dearly
Ragnorak: A new item has been added to the 2wap Shop - a Lottery ticket costing 10,000 pluses! You choose your own 12 numbers, and the winning numbers will be determined by the UK 6/59 Lotto game.
But why bother to play just to win even more pluses? -question-
We've listened to your feedback on the desire to convert pluses into real money, and have found the solution! If your 12 numbers contain all 6 winning balls in the draw you purchase your ticket for, in addition to a pluses jackpot you'll also win or share £100
Now, don't get too excited - your chances of winning this are very remote, 1 in 48,764 to be precise. But if enough people are playing and for long enough, it will be won eventually. To pay for this, some advertisements may be placed on the 2wap Shop page soon.
Each member is allowed 1 ticket per draw. To be eligible to play, you must have made at least 5 posts in the last 7 days and a topic in the last month. All lottery ticket selections will be publicly viewable.
Let us know what you think and be sure to invite your friends to increase the chances of there being a top prize winner this year!