*Tremor in S.A* by jaQui 2016/02/09 07:58
Sat 6 Feb
There may be some folk here who are interested to know more about the cause of Saturday's tremor! The Somali Plate is a fault line which stretches from way up in the rift valley area of Africa and winds its way downwards into S Africa passing through parts of the Tvl and the Freestate before exiting through Pinetown and Durban out into the sea See photo diagram Although seismic activity along this fault-line is more dominant up north (in E Africa) it also results in minor tremors here in the south - particularly around the Pinetown area The area to the east of this faultline is slowly breaking away from the rest of Africa (about 2cm a year) and will one day form a new continent separate from the rest of Africa.

Derrick Cresswell.
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