What happened to 2wap currency? by _EdGE_ 2016/02/03 11:00
-heya- every one!
There was a 2wap where we had its own valuable currency. Pluses -money- we worked hard to earn them. And personally i was so miser in spending them. That time when i had to make an animated smiley and it would earn me just 1000 pluses. 2wap pluses had value at that time.

But now i am seeing that value of pluses is so much down in share market. I mean members are having millions of pluses In their accounts. I personally think that these type of things are the main reason why 2wap is less interesting or fun now a days. When pluses had a value everyone was trying to earn them by different methods. Their were several tournaments which gave the winners an amount of pluses (never more than 5k). Everyone tried their best win and get te prize money. But why would now any tournament be organized when everyone already have a large amount of plus. Why would anyone take part in any tournament when their is nothing good to earn. These kinds of tournaments will not attract anyone even if the organizer keep the prize money a million pluses.
I remember that time when the awards feature was removed from 2wap. That wasnt a good idea even according to me. These kinds of awards and achievements could make this place exciting. And would attract members and encourage them to perform various things actively to get te those precious awards and pluses.

Wht do u guys think? Old users will understand this economic change here in 2wap.
jaQui 2016/02/03 11:16

I just love my sport bettings!

_EdGE_ 2016/02/03 11:42
Quote: jacki:
I just love my sport bettings!
u are talented jackie chan /smiley

NinthElement 2016/02/03 13:37
You do have a good point, it's something I've been concerned with myself. As Jacki hinted it's largely a result of the sports betting feature, so we probably should have introduced stake limits at an early stage like real bookmakers have. There are some options for restoring normality to the plusses economy, for example introducing a second currency, but I also have another idea for how the pluses can be used which I'll reveal in due course.
zugzwang 2016/02/03 15:23
there shud be atleast one competetion in each field/forum per week
Whally 2016/02/03 19:17
Quote: ancake">Pancake: Just turn them into real money, I don't care about the rest
well said. though,my sport bet earn me my fantasy money lol. plzzz,cn u just exchange quarter of it as real money nd lemme av them.. huh

_EdGE_ 2016/02/03 20:02
I know pluses cant get its old value as for that those large amounts of pluses frm some of the user's have to be deleted or reset. And no one will like those bet earned pluses to just vanish
Quote: Ragnorak: You do have a good point, it's something I've been concerned with myself. As Jacki hinted it's largely a result of the sports betting feature, so we probably should have introduced stake limits at an early stage like real bookmakers have. There are some options for restoring normality to the plusses economy, for example introducing a second currency, but I also have another idea for how the pluses can be used which I'll reveal in due course.

_EdGE_ 2016/02/03 20:03
Quote: ancake">Pancake: Just turn them into real money, I don't care about the rest
I think this is the suggestion of the month. /smiley

Ajibola 2016/02/03 21:31
Edge really ponder a good spirit of challenges faces 2wap now...... 1) devaluation of currency, which Liam had raised point on how to curb it and perhaps introduction of a higher currency which culd be use for a higher course.. 2) Removal of awards! OMG!!! Am not yet aware of that, on my return several ideas had been running thru my mind which include this award to be earn haven won competition and these award must be placed in a section on MAIN MENU with date and title alongside... 3) since our pulses seems to be much more and trying to control them, mayb Our Admins shld introduce certain zones to pay for before making use of it.. Example, chat room, Adult zone(redlight to watch uploaded porn), purchasing of customize smiley/animation of ur real life pix etc.............
NinthElement 2016/02/03 22:11
Quote: OliverTwist: 2) Removal of awards! OMG!!! Am not yet aware of that, on my return several ideas had been running thru my mind which include this award to be earn haven won competition and these award must be placed in a section on MAIN MENU with date and title alongside...
I have an idea in mind for the replacement of awards, it will be called achivements. These will be fixed awards automatically given for certain predefined accomplishments on 2wap, but we'll have an option to add special individual awards as well.

____THe.bosS 2016/02/04 20:12
Quote: Ragnorak: I have an idea in mind for the replacement of awards, it will be called achivements. These will be fixed awards automatically given for certain predefined accomplishments on 2wap, but we'll have an option to add special individual awards as well.
what about the 11 awards i had before? When you removed award option. It will be add in my achievements? Or my awards was just 👎

NinthElement 2016/02/04 20:44
Quote: ____THe.bosS: what about the 11 awards i had before? When you removed award option. It will be add in my achievements? Or my awards was just 👎
They are still on the database, so I'll look into a way of including them in some form.

jaQui 2016/02/05 17:11
Quote: Ragnorak: They are still on the database, so I'll look into a way of including them in some form.

Mine too pls?

haris 2016/02/05 21:15
Quote: Eeprom: can we also use our own plusses to buy a unban for a banned member or minor amount for a shoutbox ban

Eg: if my friend Kingfisher Swears a lot and gets banned can i pay his bail using xxxx amount of plusses ???

Not too many plusses though as he can be a Angry Fk at times and im unsure if he's go bail me out using his treasure chest of plusses

L@@k at all them fk plusses
/smiley Interesting.. even though against the laws, I liked it..

haris 2016/02/05 21:16
Quote: ancake">Pancake: Just turn them into real money, I don't care about the rest
Only if you can pay 2wap real money to post/shout./smiley

Smarty 2016/10/03 12:56
I don't know what happened.
trakkerterrorist 2017/04/07 20:54
how using plusses. good question
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