The Gentleman’s Standard,,, by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/01/24 13:29
What we are ultimately talking about is
becoming a gentleman. Too many men didn’t
have a strong male figure in their life when
growing up to whom they looked for a good,
manly foundation. Many men are trying to be
too much like women or think manliness
consists of vain delights and putting people
down. Irrespective of what kind of man you
are, good, bad, or indifferent, find a man you
can look up to. It doesn’t even have to be a
real person. It can be your dad or granddad,
or it can be Dirk Pitt or Luke Skywalker.
Pick a man that embodies the manly virtues
which you are striving to train in yourself and
try to be like him. Find a man that cares about
how he looks and would stick any job
interview. A man that knows how to look
good, but doesn’t dwell on his looks. Hold
yourself to a gentleman’s standard of thinking,
talking, and acting. When a man decides to
become a gentleman, his looks will show it –
inside and out...
zugzwang 2016/01/24 13:42
nice !! scientific researches claims dat every male hv some feminty & so the every female hv some masculnity too.
Whally 2016/01/24 19:23
i cn pinpoint sm gentlemen nd ladies in ere.. we nid to be hospitable 2 gv ppl sense of blonging
TemPEST 2016/01/24 23:40
I cant imagine people who are not real to be gentle
take note

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