Looking for Evidence that a Man Cares… by
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/01/24 11:39
If a man cares and you can find evidence of
it (make sure you look for that evidence
when you’re in good spirits, looking for
‘evidence’ that a man cares when you’re
depressed never works because you’re
wearing your depression glasses and that
clouds the truth).
If you can find honest evidence that a man
cares, you are NOT losing out!
Most of the time, if a man is dating you, he’s
probably doing his best to love you and
show his love for you. Remember that your
rules for love and not the same as a man’s
rules for love. Judging a man’s care and
love for you by your own ruler is dangerous.
But the truth is that men need YOU. You
have to train him to feel good with you by
doing one thing:
That’s right, you have to value a man MORE
than you value your fears.
And those fears include everything from:
fearing that he doesn’t love you, fearing that
he is in love with someone else, and many
The reward you can potentially get for doing
this is extraordinary. You can have a man be
so inspired by being with you that he turns
himself from being a couch potato in to a
It’s SO funny. I remember a bitter woman
(who used to be in my life) who used to say
to me in her frustrated state: “AT LEAST
I used to say to her, which annoyed her
even more: “I love David. I always have. I
actually truly love this man. I loved him
when he drove a 1988 Magna that took more
peees than my 6 month old pug. Even when
it blew up on the freeway and smoked and
put my life at risk. I loved him when he was
so embarrassed about making no money and
not being able to provide for me that he
considered breaking up with me. I loved him
when nearly every woman in my “family†told
me I needed someone better. I loved him
when other women used to roll their eyes at
him. I will STILL love him even if he makes
the worst decision in the world and leaves
us with nothing (which he wouldn’t, because
he’s not all about himself), but I’d love him
and support him anyway if he did.
I loved him when he wore *5 jeans from
Target and *2 runners that were about 8
years old.
I loved him when other women criticized
In other words, I EARNED my relationship.
I used to get a blank look from her. She
didn’t want to hear that.
It’s like people saying to a successful
woman: “oh you’re so lucky. You make a lot
of money.â€
Well, VERY LITTLE money is made by
Even if you win the lottery, you still
deliberately bought the lottery ticket.
You didn’t EARN the lottery win, but you
didn’t win it by accident.
The same goes for loving, lasting and
passionate relationships. It’s not a luck pot
that got dropped on that woman’s doorstep.
She’s almost ALWAYS doing something that
the so called ‘unlucky’ woman is NOT doing.
The difference between the woman with the
sparkling ring on her finger and the woman
who is pouting and resentful that she doesn’t
have the sparkly ring is Understanding Men....
zugzwang 2016/01/24 11:45
exilliant bro.!! really u r genius !! but dis topic is helpful for females. what bot males/me ? hehe
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/01/24 11:52
zugzwang: exilliant bro.!! really u r genius !! but dis topic is helpful for females. what bot males/me ? hehe
soon will be posted bro...
Whally 2016/01/24 11:57
u doing gr8 in ur posts. kip it up bro
zugzwang 2016/01/24 12:03
waiting for one helpful to us males..thnx bro
HandsomeDon 2016/01/24 13:16
Please don't debate for nothingness, we clear all reply .. ... Don't off-topic
TemPEST 2016/01/24 23:48
This shld be a law
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