#Why does ppl ALWAYS want 2 be RIGHT# by
Kayli 2016/01/22 10:37
emo434# Why does ppl ALWAYS Want 2 RIGHT ? Is it a Personality Disorder ? We cant be RIGHT by doing WRONG an we Cant be WRONG by doing RIGHT" Is tht hard 2 admit whn u ar WRONG ? Is it SO hard 2 say IM SORRY whn u was WRONG ? ?
Kayli 2016/01/22 19:09
Eeprom: im always saying sorry
so i admit to being wrong ovcourse im really right but saying sorranf making others believe im wrong and they right kinda goes easy on the ears especially with women they
Always Right oh btw im sorry if anyone isn't liking green colour as i just pressed the kudos button and activated the green
Kayli 2016/01/22 19:17
(tnx) Shane
Samuel099 2016/01/22 19:46
No one is perfect on these land 😂
I'm half and half cuz I'm not perfect , I make mistakes that I can't even remember loz
_Lovedrop_ 2016/01/22 19:55
Agree @ Samuel no one perfect
Whally 2016/01/22 20:15
pride is d cause of it in sm ppl
EpIcInCoGnItO 2016/01/23 19:13
I sense these are of 2 type:
1. Those who lose their conscience so they just dont have the inner voice which tells them what is right and wrong so they are arrogant and the world is plain and simple for them. They are also not open to advise or correction. They say" I didnt do it".
2. Those who are absolutely stupid, they make mistakes and they cant see it. When they do good, they do it by mistake, when they do bad they cant see it too. These people are like emperors in their own dreams. They think "it was never my intention".
Funny indeed. Nice topic.
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