Happy Birthday My Love! by CorbettRaven 2016/01/19 14:36
Happy dearest birthday to the most wonderful man on earth, Liam aka Ragnorak, daddy to the baby I am taking care of now, may you have a wonderful birthday! May all your wishes come true and may you always be happy, blessed with love, happiness, good health and prosperity!

You have been the most wonderful man I know, so kind and patient. We love you very much. (writing this while holding Luke, he's been so fussy since 7pm). So I suppose he wants to say Happy birthday to his daddy as well. The man who protected him from afar.

I wish you could be here. We love you daddy.

And I love you so very much!
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/01/19 14:56
Happy birthday sir...
jaQui 2016/01/19 16:49
Happy birthday to you.group.
Kayli 2016/01/19 20:39
/smiley Enjoy ur day"/smiley /smiley
Samuel099 2016/01/19 21:41
HB but the topic exist, 😂
TemPEST 2016/01/19 21:59
Happy yoU
KingFISHER 2016/01/20 07:02
I send to you warm wishes and may your happiness grow;
You be always at peace and may God eliminates your foes.
Wish you a very Happy Birthday!

_SUPERBRAT_ 2016/01/20 08:01
NinthElement 2016/01/20 16:31
Quote: CorbettRaven: Happy dearest birthday to the most wonderful man on earth, Liam aka Ragnorak, daddy to the baby I am taking care of now, may you have a wonderful birthday! May all your wishes come true and may you always be happy, blessed with love, happiness, good health and prosperity!

You have been the most wonderful man I know, so kind and patient. We love you very much. (writing this while holding Luke, he's been so fussy since 7pm). So I suppose he wants to say Happy birthday to his daddy as well. The man who protected him from afar.

I wish you could be here. We love you daddy.

And I love you so very much!

Thank you for the birthday wishes sayang and for already giving me the greatest gift /smiley I love you both dearly too /smiley

sHiVeRiNgFlAmE 2016/01/20 16:53
Happy Birthday /smiley
NoTeaser 2016/01/21 05:54
Happy Birthday Boss /smiley
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