Bed-wetting in teenagers and adults: causes,,, by
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/01/17 07:08
Adults who wet the bed at night often have
problems in the daytime as well, such as having
to rush to the lavatory (urgency). It is not really
known why this occurs. It may be a mixture of
reasons. If you have always suffered from bed-
wetting, you may:
lack the necessary muscle and nerve control
produce a lot of urine at night
If you have only recently started to wet the bed,
it could be caused by:
urine infection
alcohol, coffee or diuretic medicines
sleeping tablets
stress and anxiety
other conditions
Lack of necessary muscle and nerve control.
Your bladder may not have developed the
necessary nerve and muscle control, so the
bladder muscle contracts and empties the
bladder when it is only half full of urine. If you
are a teenager, your bladder may soon learn – it
is just being a bit slow.
Producing a lot of urine at night. You may be
producing a lot of urine, because the
mechanisms that reduce urine production at
night have not developed. Again, if you are a
teenager, the problem may resolve itself in time.
Urine infection. A urine infection can irritate the
bladder, and make it more difficult to hold urine.
Alcohol, coffee or diuretic medicines. Diuretics
are medications that are used to treat high blood
pressure and some heart problems. They
encourage the kidney to make more urine. It is
best not to take a diuretic at bedtime, because
you will need to pass urine in the night and, if
your bladder control is poor, this could cause
bed-wetting. Alcohol and coffee have a similar
effect, so avoid them within 3 hours of bedtime.
Sleeping tablets can make you sleep so soundly
that you do not wake up when your bladder is
full. If you take sleeping tablets, discuss with
your doctor whether you really need them, or try
reducing the dose.
Diabetes is a disease in which the blood sugar is
too high. The kidneys try to lower the sugar by
making lots of sugary urine, so you pass more
urine in the day and during the night (you are
also thirsty). If your bladder control is poor, this
could cause bed-wetting. The problem goes away
when the diabetes is treated.
Stress and anxiety can cause bed-wetting.
Other conditions, such as expansion of the
prostate gland, neurological problems and sleep
apnoea can result in bed-wetting....
jaQui 2016/01/17 15:27
Very complicated peewee story
SkY2k 2016/01/18 22:33
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