GL to SD download[move game/app to sd card] by
allexclusive 2016/01/16 15:26
* click the pic to enlarge *
[color=red]THE BEST APP TO MOVE BIG GAME's OBB FILES / BIG APPS DATA TO SD CARD {EXTERNAL MEMORY}, IS GL to SD[/color] is [color=green]GL to SD[/color]
Developer's Note :-
N.B. - Root Required
Get huge games to external SD(micro SD) and work fine.
So you can easily move the game data files to external SD card and solve the problems that internal SD space is too small.It also applies to other games data to external SD .
[color=yellow]ITS TESTED BY allexclusive[/color]
allexclusive 2016/01/16 15:55
How to use and please Note:
Only root required.
1.For new user,using "move data" function move your game data to external SD.
(Android/data folder is moved to "external path/data" ,gameloft/games folder is moved to "external path/games",and Android/obb is moved to "external path/obb" folder in the SD card)
2.Run this program.It lists games and click 'open' to play.
3.For old version(v1.x.x). If you wanted see other games (not gameloft)
,press Menu->Click "Setting"->Check "/sdcard/Android"->back to list.
4.If you want to click the desktop icon to execute or update from PlayStore,You need to uncheck "unmount when leave" in app setting and click mount.
5.Press and hold can remove game item.
6.If you flashed new rom or updated and "GL to SD" didn't work,please clear the data of "GL to SD".
7.Note that this app is not compatible with other mount app or script, for this would interfere with each other and causing the unmount timeout.
Support Android 4.2 above from version 2
Samuel099 2016/01/17 22:38
It is funny cuz even doing this won't solve your problems, The RAM is capable of handling this stuffs, so get a phone that has big RAM like 1 GB to 4 and your problems solve 😂
allexclusive 2016/01/20 13:25
nah,,,no problem bro with modern smartphones
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