I Think I Am Ugly You Think You're Ugly? by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/01/14 12:25
As an ugly woman, society (males and females)
treat you as an outcast. I'm intelligent, a great
sense of humor, kind, etc however most people
recoil from me. You see, from the sociological
p.o.v., People in general don't realize that they
do treat people differently if they don't fit into
the normal category (survival of the fittest) it's
part of human nature and an instinct in the
animal kingdom. if people do not like looking at
you, they won't listen or pay attention to you so
they really don't take time to get to know you.
Also, people assume bc you're ugly, you have to
be just as stupid. I'm a woman past the 1/2
century mark, not only was i unnattractive as a
younger person, age has made me look more
hideous. My own parents and family members
have made me feel ostracized from them (oh
yes, i was always treated differently from other
members of family).. Although i have a college
degree, I have always had a difficult time getting
employment (you guessed it, i'm chronically
under-employed). Ditto relationships, no one has
ever pursued me for a relationship..People will
say beauty is skin deep... fool's paradise. What
do I look like? To summarize, people can only
describe me as "that girl with the big nose". Oh,
lets not stop there. My face is long and skinny
(no cheek bones) and my nose occupies at least
a third of my face. The width of my nose is wider
than my mouth (my nose eclipses my mouth). My
eyes are deep set and uneven (one side is lower
than the other and rounder). At my age now the
eyelids droop. Let's not stop there...I have
Rosacea so my face is chronically red and bc of
allergies my eyes are always red.... let's not
stop there.... i have perpetual bags under my
eyes that on most days look like I've been
punched in both eyes.... wait, there's more.....
my hair... I have that cotton head hair that only
one in 1000 child is born with. It is baby fine and
kinky and now it is gray! Oh by now you all are
saying this and that can be fixed..... Hello, i'm
allergic to hair dyes and cosmetics...can't do a
darn thing. Now you all, go look at yourselves
right now in the mirror and be thankful for what
you have and be thankful for the people that love
you. BTW, i'm all alone in this world, no family,
friends or significant other. I'll be dead several
days b4 anyone takes notice (no, i'm not
suicidal). this is just the real-life world of the
real ugly person....
jaQui 2016/01/14 12:35
Awe, poor woman. So sad.
Whally 2016/01/14 18:38
if u r ugly nd u gat d money mehn! dats it. if a monkey is weathy,ladies wil call him d most hndsome. moni speakin bro
SkY2k 2016/01/14 20:25
True it sad...but nobody must judge the next person, thats not right...everyone is pretty or handsome for themselves...
TemPEST 2016/01/15 15:55
Sweet tale
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