We plan, God decides by CorbettRaven 2016/01/06 12:10
Today 6th of January or 7th January, was supposed to be my Luke's bornday. However due to my carelessness, Luke forced himself to come out of me - probably because he didn't feel safe there anymore.
I don't mean to wash my clothes in public, but I feel I should let this out.

When I found out I got pregnant, I got a mixed feeling. I was happy because finally my wish of having his baby came true. I felt sad/scared/worried because it is just unacceptable in my environment and society to be pregnant without getting married.

I went to antenatal clinic, visited there regularly for check up. They gave me a pill, which I didn't take. The pill was supposed to help me with low blood pressure - which is common for pregnant women.
The next visit, I was given smaller pills, yellowish in colour which would help me with my tiredness. Which also, I never took those :(

There was one point during my pregnancy that I tried to abort the baby. I took the abortion pills which cost me *150. However, my pregnancy was saved as it was too strong already to abort.

My 2nd trimesters were worst time of my life. As I got too tired as my belly got too big. I found I got too tired easily to the point that I had to inhale harder for air... Plus things at work became tiring and stressful as my boss was being so demanding. I became so worried about job - thinking I'd get fired for being pregnant - as I was still in probation...

I wasn't happy during my pregnancy. I didn't try to eat healthy. Didn't drink milk as I feared the baby'd get too big and it'd hurt me :( basically I wasn't happy :(

Until that one night that I leaked water, it was on 3rd October, 3am, I felt something came out, flushing. Women know the feeling anyway. TBC
TemPEST 2016/01/06 12:23
Really tense i must say

be happy

CorbettRaven 2016/01/06 12:27
So I realised my water broke. I told my mum but she said it was okay. I then continued sleeping, not until at 5am I felt it flushing out again.

I became worried, as, as far as I'm concerned, leaking water means labour follows. So I took myself to the hospital, got a check up, and was being admitted for almost one month.

The NICU staff were worried about me, considering that time my pregnancy was only 26weeks, with fetal weight of 700 grams. I was briefed about the complications of premature born. That day I soon began my research on premature babies - which I never bothered before.
It's like a saying, you'll start being concerned once you get to experience it...

Being so stressed in the hospital, watching people came and left the labour room, leaving me as the permanent resident of that labour room, I began to be stressed again. And there were times at 27 or 28 weeks that I talked to the doctors telling them I'd want to have the c-section to let the baby out, as I was too worried about work. I didn't want to get fired. The doctor told me to wait, for at least my pregnancy reached 32 weeks.

At 29 weeks, finally, I felt the contraction... I thought what I felt was merely constipation but the pain was too severe I couldn't sleep for 2 nights. The third night after being checked by the doctor, I was ready for labour then.

It was a sad moment for me, I was alone, no husband. I managed to text his daddy at least letting him know I was about to give birth. And I called my mum. It was on the 27th October, around 4am ish...

After for about one hour at the labour room, I then safely delivered little Luke... It was hard I must say, I didn't have the energy to push that his head was stuck. Maybe God wanted to save him that he gave me strength strong enough for me to push him out fully out of me...

Little Luke is a poor baby. I must admit that whatever happens to him, is my fault. I wished him out too early as I felt tired /smiley I wasn't happy, constantly stressed. I forgot to cherish his existence in my tummy, when I prayed for him before. I never thought my wrongdoings would cause him to be born prematurely /smiley All my faults. When I saw him, the 2nd time after his birth, with the hose in his mouth for oxygen, and his body wired, I felt really really sad /smiley And I realised that was my punishment... To have a sensitive baby that I must monitor his being, maybe for the rest of my life.

But God, I am really thankful he is very strong, his willingness to stay alive is so strong. He is stronger than me...

There are a lot of things I want to say but this is all I could say for now. My point is that, I'm punished, and that I am working hard to make up for my sins to him /smiley

Kayli 2016/01/06 14:36
Always REMEMBER GOD dnt punish ppl. Its all a mind thing.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/01/06 15:39
Really tense don't worry be happy
Samuel099 2016/01/07 16:47
Not everything that is necessary to post online so I'll urge you let the lid cover the bowls lol, .... My advise to you is keep your private live private cos there are many out there whom experiences more than you do but they don't post it online....
_SUPERBRAT_ 2016/01/07 18:17
be cool, everything will be OK.
CorbettRaven 2016/01/08 11:48
Quote: Samuel099: Not everything that is necessary to post online so I'll urge you let the lid cover the bowls lol, .... My advise to you is keep your private live private cos there are many out there whom experiences more than you do but they don't post it online....

Yes you're correct. However whatever I shared here is what was burdening me then that I felt I should share. Some things are better let out ya know!

CorbettRaven 2016/01/08 12:02
Quote: outlaw: Technically, since he's as old as a full term baby now, he's no longer a premie. He's actually going to be stronger than normal babies in the days to come. There's nothing to blame yourself for.

Ah yes, he's no longer a preemie. /smiley Hehe. I wish for him to grow fast so I'd worry less...

CorbettRaven 2016/01/16 10:35
Liam is being responsible for sending me money every months. Last month alone he sent me BND 600, which I can use till March this year.

I supposed my topics have made him look bad. Sometimes I can't help my exhaustion I wish he was here to help me take care of our baby.
I barely sleep well, last night alone I had to be awake to keep an eye on him... I only learned last night preemies have reflux, which is quite dangerous if I didn't do anything - as it'd affect his lungs... So I stayed awake for a while to burp him properly. I really feel tired and angry...

Which made me forget how responsible Liam has been to me and for our baby.

r0xi 2016/01/16 21:03
All will be well soon for you. Your baby can feel your emotions, so relax and lift your head high. I can read between the lines that you are a very strong woman and a special mommy.

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