Why do you kill us? by Samuel099 2015/12/23 17:37
You cannot imagine how tiny I am, but I am alive. Every day I grow a little bigger. I tell myself that one day, I will grow to be a baby, ready to enter the world outside the womb. But how's life in the womb? Do you really want to know? Well, it is a beautiful world of its own. We speak with our mothers more than you can ever imagine. Yesterday for instance, mum ate a thick messy stuff I didn't quite like. I told her not to eat that food again.
She listened but not before I had turned and kicked her with my tiny legs and hands.
But I am surprised many people don't know much about us 😀 unborn babies in the womb.
Though I am not seen even by my mother , I assure you that I hear and feel things even in the womb. That is why I don't understand why some people think because they have never seen us before it is alright for us to be killed even before we see the world.
Listen to me: If we can accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?
Mothers and young girls, the biggest test of your worth is the way you treat every human being, especially the weakest and the most defenceless--- the unborn child. Even though I am still in the womb, I hear a lot about what people say about us.
You remember Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta? She once said, "There are two victims in every abortion; a dead baby and a dead conscience."
That is the reason you must never agree to abort us. The pain and guilty will always remain on your conscience. You can never get us off your mind.

The cry of a baby in the womb created by SJ OR 5P

I wrote this story to tell those who abort to stop cause babies in the womb speak also stop having sex if you don't wanna be a mother, thanks.
jaQui 2015/12/23 17:45
Nice topic. Heart touching.
zugzwang 2015/12/23 18:12
sensational topic....!!
Page707 2015/12/23 19:26
very good topic Samuel
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/12/24 08:44
Nice topic bro.../smiley
Samuel099 2015/12/24 12:43
Quote: Eeprom: Samuel099 emo67# emo362# you been at the catmint again
Maybe 😂 I used to, started creating this post some month old, what push me to do is the increase or high rate of abortion....


SkY2k 2015/12/26 00:30
Excellent Topic/smiley
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