*The Devil Made Me* by
jaQui 2015/12/17 01:26
“the devil made me do itâ€-str-
I've heard this many times used as an invalid excuse for doing something wrong and dont have the guts to blame themselves.
Are y0u one of them or d0 y0u have GUTS t0 Face y0u are wrong and to admit it?
zugzwang 2015/12/17 04:07
mostly i accepts my weaknesses.only on few occasions i did wrong due to misunerstanding..but often i realizes it nd feels guilty.
all d nature of feeling guilty aftr making mistakes i hv
developed by learning good CHESS. chess teaches us Ability of accurate Analysis.
TinHeart 2015/12/17 05:41
The Most important thing to remember is that we have free will.
When making a decision,there is not an angel or a little devil on your shoulders.
You have to decide wich path you follow,and that is the beauty of life.
So,If you blame it on the devil,you actually blame yourself for making a bad decision.
detrimentum 2015/12/17 08:07
Its so much easier just to admit being wrong.
jaQui 2015/12/17 09:03
detrimentum: Its so much easier just to admit being wrong.
Crownstar 2015/12/17 11:53
i often say that i was "devil inspired" to commit such errors hence the devil is partly to blame for it!
NinthElement 2015/12/17 12:45
This devil-blaming may be a cultural thing, because I can't imagine anyone here saying it unless they wanted to be locked up in a mental hospital.
Insenus_AmoR 2015/12/17 17:28
I thought it's only me who used to think such things.. Thank god I can sleep peacefully now..
Devil made me to comment here
jaQui 2015/12/17 17:35
Ragnorak: This devil-blaming may be a cultural thing, because I can't imagine anyone here saying it unless they wanted to be locked up in a mental hospital.
Its an old saying and not meant for here but in general.
jaQui 2015/12/18 06:42
I cleaned the topic, no insulting. Pls keep it clean.
Kayli 2015/12/18 09:11
The devil work overtime here at 2wap
midd 2015/12/26 13:44
very nice one that I'd true
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