>Live and Let Live by ____THe.bosS 2015/12/14 23:57
If you are brave enough to LET GO of your past, and face your future. You free to live in your present. We are such in a habit to live with excuses, instead insted to live with no regrets. Things happen and we have to except it. We have to be strong enough to LET GO and wise enough to wait for when you deserve to LET GO of the past and the past will LET GO of you. ___ BREATHE = LET GO and remind yourself that this very moment, is the only one you know. You have for sure to LET GO of those who bring you down and surround yourself with those who bring out the BEST in you. In life and love, you learn that there comes a time to LET GO and move on. We became strong when we are set free and we became even stronger when we LET GO. When we run from something, we only make it stronger. The best thing to do is just LET GO. Focus if things does'nt make you happy anymore, then its time to LET GO and focus on yourself.
Alebi 2015/12/15 02:12
Just live and let people do what they want
jaQui 2015/12/15 05:19
Excellent topic!

If u dont let go u,ll stay behind.
Life is a race against time.

Aita 2015/12/16 09:39
Its a great topic Boss. . Well done !! -up-
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