#The awfull word"GOSSIPING"# by Kayli 2015/12/11 19:18
Its usually ppl tht ar not happy with thr lives if they gossip about ur life. Listen carefully 2 how a person speaks about other ppl. This is how a person speaks about u 2 other ppl. Gossip is spread by EVIL AND WICKET ppl. They stir up trouble an break up friendships. Its so sad whn ppl talks bad about u whn they dnt even know u. Its MORE sadder whn other ppl believe thm. One day someone will walk in2 ur life, and make u see why it never worked out with anyone else.

Kayli 2015/12/11 19:38
Thr will come a time tht ppl will hav 2 look at themselfs.
Page707 2015/12/11 22:13
There is nothing so ugly to gossip with any person. that person that gossip must go and seek help, because it is sickness

jaQui 2015/12/11 22:31

Gossip is just a tool to distract people who have nothing better to do from feeling jealous of those few of us still remaining with noble hearts.

SkY2k 2015/12/11 22:57
What is the meaning of 'gossip?' Doesn't it originate with sympathy, an interest in one's neighbour, degenerating into idle curiosity and love of tattling?...Which is worse, this habit, or keeping one's self so absorbed intellectually as to forget the sufferings and cares of others, to lose sympathy through having too much to think about?...

And So Iv Learned At A Very Young Age Just To Keep My Mouth Shut No Matter What Flaws Iv Seen Or Heard About The Next Person...

And If I Have To Hear There's Gossip Or Slander Going Around About Me, I Never Frown I'll Be Happy To Know That I'm The Next Public Figure...

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/12/12 14:59
hmm interesting topic nice kayli..../smiley
ABHIRAJ 2015/12/12 15:06
The one who Gossip need /smiley. I dont listen to them and dont even care to what they say..-hahaha-
saahir 2015/12/12 15:10
After comment of Brother SkY2k nothing is left to write or add more. I agreed with his comment.
Kayli 2015/12/12 18:43
Quote: ABHIRAJ: The one who Gossip need /smiley. I dont listen to them and dont even care to what they say..-hahaha-
I agree with u /smiley

Kayli 2015/12/12 18:44
Tx Shane
Kayli 2015/12/12 18:46
U ar what comes out of ur mouth. Thts a fact
____THe.bosS 2015/12/12 22:14
You hit the nail on the head Kayli to gossip is a sickness. Unfortually there are some people that cant stop gossiping. They are what they are.
Kayli 2015/12/13 22:12
U ar Offtopic, this topic is nt about me''
Aita 2015/12/16 09:46
I hate gossipers /smiley they are useless people. . And must be removed from where ever they are. . Here on 2wap we have alot of gossipers. . It became their lifestyle here. . Dam idiot people /smiley
Kayli 2015/12/16 14:42
Quote: Libra: Be thankful to people who are gossiping about you for being the center of their world. If they're talking behind your back, it's obvious your life is more interesting than theirs. They can kiss your ass too!
very tru words Libra

Kayli 2015/12/16 15:09
Quote: Kayli: U ar Offtopic, this topic is nt about me''
Jacki why did u dlt ur post here ? ?

Kayli 2015/12/16 20:42
Quote: Reload:
/smiley /smiley
tell ur admin frnd 2 stop gossipping. u ar such a fool 2 be used 2 do her dirty work 4 her. Wakeup Reload /smiley b4 ur door an her door

Kayli 2015/12/16 21:30
Quote: Libra: Can anyone from the Einsteins here confirm that Kayli is a troll using multinicks and fooling people here? Could Liam check out her IP ? Because this is becoming ridiculous and extremely stupid ,harassing a woman over this. What's the point of it? Personally, I have no problem with people using multinicks as long as they are honest about it. I've had a few chats with Kayli, I've been rude to her..She never replied with an insult and she could have since she's constantly harassed over something. In my opinion she's a nice person. Can Liam confirm that she has multinicks and end this comedy?
i agree with u. This must stop. Ragnorak plz do something 2 stop this humalisation, its getting out of hand nw.

NinthElement 2015/12/17 01:56
Quote: Libra: Can anyone from the Einsteins here confirm that Kayli is a troll using multinicks and fooling people here? Could Liam check out her IP ? Because this is becoming ridiculous and extremely stupid ,harassing a woman over this. What's the point of it?
Personally, I have no problem with people using multinicks as long as they are honest about it. I've had a few chats with Kayli, I've been rude to her..She never replied with an insult and she could have since she's constantly harassed over something. In my opinion she's a nice person.
Can Liam confirm that she has multinicks and end this comedy?
I have a similar view to yours - that the possibility of a user holding more than one account isn't something to get worked up about, and that repeatedly calling out users suspected of this is a form of harassment. It should be left to admin to judge whether the use of multiple accounts by a user is intended to cause a nuisance.

Things like comparing IPs and browser information are useful indicators in checking for multiple accounts, but they are never conclusive proof without additional evidence. So even if I see two members are using the same phone and browser, and one of them is using a hideme proxy to change their IP I'm not going automatically assume they are the same person. And even if I did, I'd consider it a private choice for them.

Personally I'd find it exhausting and unrewarding trying to maintain two separate identities here, so I find it hard to relate to the idea of someone else wanting to do so.

Whally 2015/12/24 21:54
ladies n gossip. dou nt al of dem
Kayli 2015/12/24 22:14
Quote: Whally: ladies n gossip. dou nt al of dem
men also gossip. Its not only women

Replies: 28

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