Libra: Can anyone from the Einsteins here confirm that Kayli is a troll using multinicks and fooling people here? Could Liam check out her IP ? Because this is becoming ridiculous and extremely stupid ,harassing a woman over this. What's the point of it?
Personally, I have no problem with people using multinicks as long as they are honest about it. I've had a few chats with Kayli, I've been rude to her..She never replied with an insult and she could have since she's constantly harassed over something. In my opinion she's a nice person.
Can Liam confirm that she has multinicks and end this comedy?
I have a similar view to yours - that the possibility of a user holding more than one account isn't something to get worked up about, and that repeatedly calling out users suspected of this is a form of harassment. It should be left to admin to judge whether the use of multiple accounts by a user is intended to cause a nuisance.
Things like comparing IPs and browser information are useful indicators in checking for multiple accounts, but they are never conclusive proof without additional evidence. So even if I see two members are using the same phone and browser, and one of them is using a hideme proxy to change their IP I'm not going automatically assume they are the same person. And even if I did, I'd consider it a private choice for them.
Personally I'd find it exhausting and unrewarding trying to maintain two separate identities here, so I find it hard to relate to the idea of someone else wanting to do so.