Ghaziabad open chess tournament by
zugzwang 2015/12/10 15:29
gaziabad chess association is organising an all INDIA open chess event from 3rd to 7th jan.2016. at st.theresa school.
zugzwang 2015/12/10 15:30
zugzwang: gaziabad chess association is organising open chess event from 3rd to 7th jan.2016. at st.theresa school.
i m participating
ABHIRAJ 2015/12/10 15:34
All the best dear
zugzwang 2015/12/27 02:22
zugzwang: gaziabad chess association is organising an all INDIA open chess event from 3rd to 7th jan.2016. at st.theresa school.
results at
jaQui 2016/01/02 10:31
Good luck to you swty.
Robinhood 2016/01/02 14:48
All the best champion
zugzwang 2016/01/03 05:20
thnx to all for appreciation
zugzwang 2016/01/03 13:49
zugzwang: gaziabad chess association is organising an all INDIA open chess event from 3rd to 7th jan.2016. at st.theresa school.
i won game one
zugzwang 2016/01/04 14:25
zugzwang: gaziabad chess association is organising an all INDIA open chess event from 3rd to 7th jan.2016. at st.theresa school.
i won all three games nd hv 3/3pts.
jaQui 2016/01/04 14:29
Congrats swty! U rock!
zugzwang 2016/01/05 16:08
i lost game 4, won game 5, i hv 4 pts from 5 games. four more rounds to be played
zugzwang 2016/01/06 16:18
i won game 6 & 7 too. now two more games to be played.
zugzwang 2016/01/08 03:25
i scored 7 from 9 & stood ninth
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