Revealed: 4 relationship killers... by
SkY2k 2015/12/07 19:35
Well No matter how passionate a relationship is at the beginning, eventually there will come a time when the passion will fade and familiarity will creep in...
SkY2k 2015/12/07 19:37
That isnt a bad thing though. When you've been together for a long time, you get used to each other. However, don't take each other for granted. And definitely don't allow certain things to erode your relationship...
SkY2k 2015/12/07 19:37
emo518#One of the biggest things that can cause a wedge in your relationship is stress. Stress manifests itself in your life in different forms it can cause damage to your health and affect your relationships with others. Recognise that you're stressed and work on dealing with it. Different people deal differently with stress and what works for someone might not work for you. Whatever approach you select, make sure that it improves the bond between you and your partner...
SkY2k 2015/12/07 19:38
emo518#Very often, when one partner has a more active social life, it could lead to friction between a couple. The aim here would be to strike a balance and ask yourself what is more important your social life or your relationship...
SkY2k 2015/12/07 19:39
emo518#Dont leave arguments incomplete. Finish off a fight instead of keeping things inside you. It is better to get things off your chest instead of silently resenting things until it gets worse and takes a serious toll on your relationship...
SkY2k 2015/12/07 19:40
emo518#Insecurity is another feeling that could drive a deep wedge in relationships. Sit your partner down and have a heart to heart discussion. Ask them what is bothering them and together try to work out a solution...
Page707 2015/12/07 23:09
great info friend
jaQui 2015/12/08 14:05
Nice info
Aita 2015/12/08 20:37
There are alot of relationship killers. . Jealousy are the biggest one. . Nice topic -up-
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