#Deactivating a accounts# by Kayli2015/12/05 08:45 Plz bring back the option 2 delete our own accounts. Make it easyer 4 members 2 dlt thr accounts if they want 2 leave. Many ppl dnt have email addresses. So they get stuck.
Kayli2015/12/05 10:27 Here ar accounts tht is as old as 6yrs. And also some topics are as old as 6yrs. Nw smarty choose tht old topics 2 be ontop of the forum list. Whts the use 2 post in tht old topics ? And its mostly old news that happened 6yrs ago. Plz do something '
Quote: Kayli: plz bring back the option 2 delete our own accounts. Make it easyer 4 members 2 dlt thr accounts if they want 2 leave. Many ppl dnt have email addresses. So they get stuck.
The Delete Account Opinion Is In Settings, Then Click Other Settings,And There Is Deactivate Account There...
Quote: Kayli: Here ar accounts tht is as old as 6yrs. And also some topics are as old as 6yrs. Nw smarty choose tht old topics 2 be ontop of the forum list. Whts the use 2 post in tht old topics ? And its mostly old news that happened 6yrs ago. Plz do something '
When Smarty Bumps Old Topics Which Are Not Usefull Any longer,It's Then Up To The Staff To Trash Those Topics...
Quote: SkY2k: When I'm Free Later I Will Trash All Those Topics...
(tnx) im glad 2 see tht here ar 1 person with sense in the head'
Kayli2015/12/05 11:03 We hav 52,270 registered members. But latetly only 10 members online at a time. 116 birthdays 2day, but most of all havent been here 4 almost 4yrs. Why keep them in the stats ? Why dnt th owner just delete them ? its waist of space in th server. An im sure they couldnt dlt thr accounts 4 one or other reason.
Quote: Kayli: plz bring back the option 2 delete our own accounts. Make it easyer 4 members 2 dlt thr accounts if they want 2 leave. Many ppl dnt have email addresses. So they get stuck.
We will remove the restriction of needing an email to deactivate an account. The main reason this was in place is to make it easier for the member to reactivate at a later stage as they will surely wish to, but it is possible to reactivate without it.
We are reluctant to implement auto-deletion of members after a period of only a few months, as I have seen many cases where members who have been inactive for years have returned, and it would be disappointing for them to return only to find their account gone. At the same time however I appreciate your aesthetic desire to see the member counts in statistics to be more representitive of the actual number who currently visit, so we will look into implementing auto-deactivation for members offline for more than 6 months or so and perhaps auto-deletion for members inactive for over 1 year who have no posts.
Regarding old topics that are no longer relevant, we thank Smarty for bringing these to our attention so that we may delete them. You may notice he posts in topics that contain more than 15 replies, this way we can clear more old posts from the database.
HandsomeDon2015/12/05 12:45 Help staff to recognize unwanted / outdated topics so staff able to trash. that why smarty bump topics ...... Please report same topic with proper reason why topic should be traced/ deleted
Quote: HandsomeDon: Help staff to recognize unwanted / outdated topics so staff able to trash. that why smarty bump topics ...... Please report same topic with proper reason why topic should be traced/ deleted
Don, here ar +- 25 staff. Isnt it thr job 2 do it ?
Quote: Ragnorak: We will remove the restriction of needing an email to deactivate an account. The main reason this was in place is to make it easier for the member to reactivate at a later stage as they will surely wish to, but it is possible to reactivate without it. We are reluctant to implement auto-deletion of members after a period of only a few months, as I have seen many cases where members who have been inactive for years have returned, and it would be disappointing for them to return only to find their account gone. At the same time however I appreciate your aesthetic desire to see the member counts in statistics to be more representitive of the actual number who currently visit, so we will look into implementing auto-deactivation for members offline for more than 6 months or so and perhaps auto-deletion for members inactive for over 1 year who have no posts. Regarding old topics that are no longer relevant, we thank Smarty for bringing these to our attention so that we may delete them. You may notice he posts in topics that contain more than 15 replies, this way we can clear more old posts from the database.
if th old members that stayed away for 4 yrs. Whn they want 2 come back , thn they can register again, as simple as tht.
Quote: Kayli: if th old members that stayed away for 4 yrs. Whn they want 2 come back , thn they can register again, as simple as tht.
As a result of your valued feedback, the following changes have been implemented today:
*All members inactive for longer than 6 months are automatically deactivated. They will be reactivated if they login again
*Deactivated members will not be shown in the statistics section, nor will birthday alerts be sent involving them
*It is no longer required to set an email address in order to deactivate
We hope these changes will allow for the more streamlined statistics you desire. And as the deactivated members can reactivate just by logging in, we have the best of both worlds as returning members won't come back to find their account deleted.
Quote: Ragnorak: As a result of your valued feedback, the following changes have been implemented today: *All members inactive for longer than 6 months are automatically deactivated. They will be reactivated if they login again *Deactivated members will not be shown in the statistics section, nor will birthday alerts be sent involving them *It is no longer required to set an email address set in order to deactivate We hope these changes will allow for the more streamlined statistics you desire. And as the deactivated members can reactivate just by logging in, we have the best of both worlds as returning members won't come back to find their account deleted.
Quote: Eeprom: feck meeeeee! I carnt remember all my accounts i think there's maybe more than 4 -nana-
nw u can dlt the other 4
NinthElement2015/12/05 17:34 I deleted nearly 10,000 accounts from the database with fewer than 50 logins and zero posts which haven't been active since 2012.
Quote: Ragnorak: As a result of your valued feedback, the following changes have been implemented today: *All members inactive for longer than 6 months are automatically deactivated. They will be reactivated if they login again *Deactivated members will not be shown in the statistics section, nor will birthday alerts be sent involving them *It is no longer required to set an email address in order to deactivate We hope these changes will allow for the more streamlined statistics you desire. And as the deactivated members can reactivate just by logging in, we have the best of both worlds as returning members won't come back to find their account deleted.